Children often engage in behavior that is undesirable in certain settings that require modeling and correction to achieve our goal of developing productive, respectful, and confident members of our community. To do so, we have a three-step process for teaching positive behavior choices.
1. We practice positive redirection and encourage self-discipline by leading by example. Our primary goal is to provide your child with the necessary skills for them to manage their behavior and emotions and cooperate with others. By offering choices and modeling to show them what TO do instead of instructing them of what NOT to do, we instill a lesson instead of a punishment.
2. If choices and modeling don’t alter the course, we may remove the child from the situation and calmly speak with them about their behavior.
3. If the initial redirection, removal, and conversation are ineffective, we will implement a "Time Out" to either apply a consequence, or allow the child time to recover from big emotions before expecting more from them. The number of minutes in "Time Out" will correspond with their age in years. (3 years = 3 minutes)
We will follow this discipline strategy consistently in every event, excluding dangerous situations that require immediate action. We want every child to be successful in our center. However, we recognize that a Daycare Center is not a one-size-fits-all setting. Some children struggle to adapt to expectations present at daycare and will communicate these struggles by withdrawing from activities or acting out. Below are two criteria sections, Disturbances to Classroom Environment or Failure to Thrive and Forbidden Actions w/ Incident Report. We use these two lists of criteria to determine if our Daycare Center is or may not be the best fit for your child.
Disturbances to Classroom Environment or Failure to Thrive
Daycare is a busy place, and we learn so much! Learning is made possible by a cooperating body of children who come eager and ready to learn. Some children may require more care than we can provide, as evidenced by frequent and prolonged disturbances in the classroom. The disturbances include but are not limited to:
l Noncompliance with teacher directives
l Failure to stay seated during mealtimes or group activities
l Back-talk
l Elopement/refusal to stay with staff
l Screaming more than 30 minutes in duration
l Purposefully dumping material bins or unreasonably destroying organized items
l Failing to assist with cleanup
l Climbing furniture
l Withdrawing or hiding from the group
l Disrupting other children’s sleep
l Intentional aggravation of peers
These behaviors and others similar in nature suggest discomfort for the child and warrant close attention. We will work with all children to achieve appropriate behavior. However, within two months, if we cannot resolve disturbances that compromise the group's learning, we will request the arrangement of an alternative care environment that better aligns with your child’s needs.
Forbidden Actions w/ Incident Report
The following is a list of forbidden actions that will result in an Incident Report and our Progressive Action Timeline for resolution.
· Biting/Kicking/Hitting/Punching/Slapping
· Foul language/Verbal threats/Spitting/Screaming lasting longer than 30 consecutive minutes
· Choking/Pinching
· Property destruction
· Inappropriate physical touch/Exposure
· Elopement/Intentional refusal to stay with staff
Staff write Incident Reports each time one of the above listed behaviors occurs. We require a parental signature so you are always aware of the frequency and cause of such actions. The following Progressive Action Timeline is in place to ensure the well-being of ALL children:
1. After 5 incident reports, noting the behaviors above, within a 28-day period, we will request a parent conference to discuss the behaviors and devise an intervention plan.
2. Following the conference, we will continue behavioral observation. If the intervention is ineffective, evidenced by an additional 5 incident reports within a subsequent 28-day period, we will have a secondary conference to create an additional and/or alternative intervention.
3. If after two conferences, the behavior persists and there are an additional 5 incident reports within another 28-day period, we will no longer be able to accommodate the behavior and we will request the arrangement of an alternative care environment.
A decision ending with step 3 is incredibly difficult. We want to make sure you have been a part of an ongoing conversation regarding the behavioral development of your child and know we are committed to working with children during difficult phases they may encounter.
Biting Provision
Biting always receives an Incident Report, but is handled differently from our Progressive Action Timeline depending on the classroom the child attends. Bites are measured in groups of 5 across a 28-day period. If a variety of bite levels occur, the levels will be averaged.
Level 1 - Bite leaving a red mark, superficial tooth marks that fade within an hour, welt
Level 2 - Bite leaving bruising
Level 3 - Bite that breaks the skin causing bleeding
Nursery & Toddler Classrooms - Children in these classes are not at risk of removal from care due to biting with the exception of five, “Level 3” bites within any 60-day period.
Twos Classrooms - Level 1 biting follows the same schedule of our existing PAT. Level 2 biting will require an intervention after 5 occurrences. Biting will be measured across 12 consecutive weeks starting from the onset of the first bite. More than 2 bites in one calendar week will cause that week to be labeled “Bite Positive”. If more than 8 weeks, consecutive or not, within a 12-week period are “Bite Positive”, or there are five, “Level 3” bites within any 60-day period, we will request the removal from care.
Preschool Classrooms - The fifth bite of Level 1 or Level 2 in any 180-day period, or two level Level 3 bites in any 180-day period will be cause for the removal from care.
We want to make your child's day everything it should be! Please register your child on our waiting list.