Rates will be reviewed bi-annually during the first week in May and November and are subject to adjustment up or down as the industry suggests. We will always give families adequate time for adjustments and keep a transparent record of why rates are being altered.
Rates and Fees Sheet (pdf)
DownloadWe hate to see you go, but we realize life happens and things change. If you are planning to discontinue services with us, we require a 3 week (15 day) paid advance notice. We want the opportunity to say farewell to your child and make arrangements regarding our schedule. If notice is given mid week, a prorated amount of $50 per day will apply regardless of age bracket. The deposit will be refunded to you at the end of care providing proper notice has been given and all tuition fees are up-to-date.
We want to make your child's day everything it should be! Please register your child on our waiting list.